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剑桥雅思17阅读test2写作 雅思小作文可否成为提分助手

更新:2023年11月27日 16:02 大学路

剑桥雅思17阅读test2写作 雅思小作文可否成为提分助手很多朋友对这方面很关心,大学路整理了相关文章,供大家参考,一起来看一下吧!


剑桥雅思17阅读test2写作 雅思小作文可否成为提分助手


18题在b段5行 说一堆鸟在BRITAIN 什么skylark 之类的 都vanished了
19题 根本没提口感这东西
20题 c段第一句,说大家不会吧这些环境危害联系到我们的食物上,之后5句又说这些花费不是以钱的形式出现的 而是一种美学形式 所以肯定是no
21e段6句提到 food poisining 食物中毒 和题那个illness 对应
22 在e段7句 pretty 说我们的 food bill 其实使我们想象的threefold(三倍)对题中的higher



1) 同意的立场
可以用一边倒的方式,分2-3个主体段列举Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language情况下遇到的social problems和practical problems即可。不过,要注意展示问题的严重性(其实就是选择严重的问题来写,不严重的问题不能作为论据)。
2) 反对的立场
这个立场,会难一些。在Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language情况下,必然会遇到问题,且不能忽视。所谓不同意,就是要论证这些虽然是问题,但都不严重。
Some people consider that the speaking of a non-native language in one’s country of residence may pose significant problems in terms of everyday living and social relations. Though I agree that there is likely to be inconvenience in some specific situations, overall, the scale of the negative impacts is probably *all.
There are two main situations where I believe that the need to speak a foreign language in one’s own country can generate some difficulties. The first one is that conducting complex business in a foreign language can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. In some contexts, it is vital that all parties can express and understand every detail accurately, such as when negotiating the terms of a commercial contract. The second problematic feature is that not everyone is skilled at foreign languages and using them takes up energy and time that they would probably prefer not to spend. Indeed, we cannot be surprised if plumbers and cleaners, for example, were not skilled at the use of languages spoken by some of their clients, given that devoting professional time to improving practical skills is also very important for them.
Nevertheless, in my view, the issues that communication in non-native languages in one’s own country give rise to are not sufficient to be to blame for serious social and practical problems. Countries with two or more official languages have usually become adept at accommodating speakers of all recognised languages in official procedures. For example, in Switzerland, court papers may be submitted in French, German or Italian – the main official languages – and courts are allocated resources to translate them as required. A further means of preventing social problems can be seen in bilingual countries such as Canada, whose education system and civic values promote respect for differing cultures and linguistic backgrounds. This means that when official systems to minimise the impact of linguistic differences do not suffice, ordinary people are less likely to feel angry and alienated. Rather, they tend to see the communication problems as opportunities for greater understanding.
In summary, I take the view that, the problems relating to the need to use a foreign language in one’s own country are often kept to a minimum on account of government efforts to accommodate all main linguistic groups.
1) adept:very skilled; proficient; expert
an adept juggler.
2) 题干信息living in a coutry where you have to speak a foreign language的替换
the speaking of a non-native language in one’s country of residence
the need to use a foreign language in one’s own country
3) 题干信息social problems, as well as practical problems的替换
problems in terms of everyday living and social relations
4) civic values
The Civic values Are principles of conduct centered on personal relationships within a society and serve to maintain social order.
Solidarity Responsibility Respect Justice Cooperation Honesty Sincerity

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The table illustrates the unemployment rate in the following 5 countries.

Unemployment rate 表示失业率,但是我们发现写文章时,避免不了要多次的重复提到失业率这个词。这个时候为了显示我们的语言多样化的能力,就要尽量做一些转换。比如unemployment rate 是失业率的意思,而失业率可以解释为失去工作的人数的比例或者找不到工作的人。即The proportion of people who lose their jobs 或者the number of people who cannot get a job. 这样一来,不仅避免了重复,而且还加进去一个小小的从句。这种方法我将之称为解释法,即对描述对象做一个详细的解释说明,并取代其称为主语。
比如 High unemployment rate(高失业率)可以转换成low employment rate (低就业率)
或者France took up the second highest unemployment rate in 1985. (法国在1985年有着第二高的失业率)可以转换成 The working situation in France was also not good. (法国的就业状况也不太好)
1. The consumption of chicken per person per week increased greatly from about 140grams in 1979 to 250 grams in 2004.
2. There was a great increase in the consumption of chicken per person per week from about 140grams in 1979 to 250 grams in 2004.
两句话的译文为:鸡肉的消耗(每人每周)从1995年的大约140克大幅度上升到2004年的250克。以上两个句子都是正确的典型的线性图中描述趋势的两个句型。但是却发现非常枯燥无味,而且物以稀为贵,这两种句型由于过于被大家熟悉,所以可能很难受到考官的青睐。我们可以稍微修饰一下。改为Chicken became increasingly popular with consumers during the period between 1979 and 2004, with a consumption growth from about 140 grams to 250 grams per person per week.
我们接下来看看之前提到的表格题适不适合这个方法呢The unemployment rate of Belgium took up the largest percentage in 1985(11.8%). 1985年比利时的失业率占据了最大的比例。这句话完全正确,但是显然语句也过于平淡。我们可以给语句赋予一定的生动性。比如Belgium suffered the most serious situation in terms of employment in 1985( 11.8% unemployment). 因为高的失业率是个不好的现象,所以就有了我们上面的句子,即比利时遭受着最严重的就业形势。“最严重”就是我们赋予的一个感*彩,也就是我们提到的“拟人法”,像人一样赋之与感情。或者我们还可以说成: Belgium was the most serious country, 11.8% of people were without a job in 1985. 比利时是最严重的国家,到底怎么严重呢,后面跟着解释,即有11.8% 的人在1985年没有工作。反之,如果是失业率非常低,这是好的现象,比如,表格中失业率最低的是日本Japan, 与其写成The unemployment rate of Japan made up the least proportion. (日本的失业率占据了最小的比例)不如也加之一定的色彩,从而改为Japan enjoyed a very optimistic situation in terms of employment. 日本享受着一个非常乐观的就业形势。我们不难发现,与单纯的枯燥的描述百分比相比,很显然后者要生动很多。
饼状图亦是如此。我们可以看剑桥雅思7的test4中的饼状图。题目信息为在1980年和2000年澳大利亚和法国供电的能源类别。其中第一个饼状图当中会涉及到这样一个描述:In 1980, 50 units of electricity were produced by coal in Australia. 或者In 1985, the electricity produced by coal took up the largest percentage in Australia. 以上两句都是相对平淡无味的句子,我们也可以利用拟人法进行修饰。比如 Coal was the most significant/ common source in Australia, with 50% of electricity produced from this fuel in 1980 或者 Coal was the most significant source in Australia, with 50% of electricity contributed from this fuel in 1980.  其中的significant就相当于我们赋予了coal煤矿这种能源一个地位---重要的地位。
或者我们再随便举个简单的例子。The number of students who liked to study in the US took up the large percentage(49%)喜欢去美国学习的学生占据了最大的比例。(49%)可以转换成 The US was the most popular country, with 49% of students choosing to study there. 或者 The US was the most popular country, with 49% of students attracted to study there. 这里要顺便解释一下,第一句话中的choosing 是作为一个现在分词表示主动,而后者的attracted是过去分词表示被动。提醒各位考生一定要辨清词性以及主被动关系。

以上就是大学路为大家带来的剑桥雅思17阅读test2写作 雅思小作文可否成为提分助手,希望能帮助到大家!

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