今天大学路小编整理了雅思作文高分范文:旅游类 雅思写作旅游类问题。下面这个题目。我写disagree. 主体段第一段写 英语翻译 雅思阅读相关内容,希望能帮助到大家,一起来看下吧。
雅思写作是很重要的一部分,重在阅读积累和练习,下面雅思就为考生们带来一篇有关社会类之旅游类的雅思写作范文《 雅思作文高分范文:旅游类 》,考生们可以参考一下写作思路,改善自身写作方式,希望能给考生们一些帮助。
Compare and contrast:taking a trip by oneself and taking a group tour with guidance
In the modern world, relaxation becomes an increasing demand after a hard-working day. Traveling seems to be the best alternative. There are a variety of perspectives on the question of whether traveling taking a trip by oneself or taking a group tour with guidance is more comfortable. Traveling alone and traveling in group is quite different in terms of the expense, safety and experience.
Firstly, one of the major distinctions between traveling alone and traveling in group is the expense. It is an indisputable fact that expense is a weighty matter in the era of economic crisis. The money when traveling in group is spread evenly to each member. Thus, the cost covered when traveling with others may be the solution to the problem since it is based on shared values. Conversely, traveling by oneself sounds convenient for those who enjoy the feeling of loneliness. Yet, the journey might cost an arm and a leg, in other word, it would be costly.
Even more importantly, though, safety seems to be at the heart of the matter when determining to travel with others or travel by oneself. Traveling to a new place will inevitably result in a great deal of unexpected trouble. For instance, misunderstanding language, culture, behavior or traffic system gives rise to certain issues. Indeed, language differences may create an invisible barrier between travelers and the citizens; culture differences may trigger social problems; traffic system differences may result in horrific accidents. Therefore, in these situations, the assistance of a guidance who fully understands the place by all means useful for those who travel in group. On the other hand, getting lost or taking a wrong bus in a big city will become a challenge for solo traveler. Even more, as a new comer, being stolen is the one of the worst disasters. Imagine how terrible when someone enter to a new place without money, passport as well as visa. Accordingly, if problem comes up, perhaps, a group is capable of handling more efficiently than an individual. Nevertheless, there are different kinds of people in different places. Some are good but some are not. Living with a stranger is not simply normal. Carelessly, traveler might be a victim of street crime or petty theft. According to a report by Today published last month, tour guides in Rome have considered going on strike in response to a 24-percent increase in muggings throughout the city. In this case, traveling alone sounds safer than traveling in group. Thus, the matter of safety seems equally in both approaches to traveling.
By the way of conclusion, I would contend that traveling by oneself or traveling in group has its own expense, safety and experience. It is totally based on
the particular interests of each traveler to take into account what kinds of traveling are entirely appropriate for them.
以上就是雅思作文高分范文:旅游类 雅思写作旅游类问题。下面这个题目。我写disagree. 主体段第一段写 英语翻译 雅思阅读全部内容,更多相关信息,敬请关注大学路。
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