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北京 2009年高职升本科招生统一考试 英语 答案!


I.Vocabulary and structure (每小题一分,共四十分)

1. This book is more interesting than _____ that you have just read.

A. this B. these C. one D. the ones

2. The board of management _____ seven persons.

A. consists B. comprises C. makes up D. composes

3. This song _____ memories of my childhood in the countryside.

A. calls for B turns off C. calls up D. turns up

4. If something unexpected _____ at the office, I will be home late.

A. rises B. comes C. arises D. goes

5. It’s surprising that John and his twin brother have nothing _____.

A. in common B. in turn C. in short D. in the end

6. You should _____ being late for the appointment with the dentist.

A. avoid B prevent C. keep D. escape

7. The government _____ spies in secret on a deserted road.

A. found B. di*issed C. interviewed D. exchanged

8. I hope you will_____ this problem from the point of development.

A. look B. notice C. view D. watch

9. A young man _____ to teach her water-skiing.

A. offered B. asked C. provided D. invented

10. When they heard the discouraging news, the *iles _____ from their faces.

A. changed B. turned C. appeared D. faded

11. The passengers on the plane _____ their seat belts when it took off.

A. licked B. closed C. secured D. buttoned

12. The people who live near the river had to _____ the flooding waters.

A. escape B. run C. flee D. struggle

13. Don’t be too nervous. Dr. Smith will_____ your health.

A. look after B. worry about C. check on D. make sure

14. When grandma turned 85, her eyes began to _____.

A.break B. lose C. defeat D. fail

15. When the result of the vote were announced the Prime Minister _____ defeat.

A. acknowledged B. told C. report D. found

16. I haven’t seen him for weeks, but I’m sure he will _____ one of these days.

A. check on B. drift off C. pop up D. make out

17. Just then a grey-haired woman entered _____ by a boy of about ten.

A. supporting B. to support C. to be supporting D. supported

18. Before she could speak to him, her husband had grabbed his coat and ____ the door.

A. got away B. run away C. shot out D. given out

19. The dead volcano don’t _____ fire or melted rock.

A. throw at B. throw out C. get away D. set out

20. The old professor is now retired. He likes to visit all kinds of museums _____.

A. in the ends B. now and then C. up till now D. there and then

21. He likes Jane _____, but she was very proud.

A. in way B. in a way C. in the way D. the way.

22. There is very _____ hope that she will pass the exam.

A. few B. little C. much D. *all

23.There were _____ clouds in the sky yesterday.

A. any B. as many C. a few D. very

24. _____ petroleum is produced in Iraq.

A. A great quantity of B. A great quantities of

C. Great quantities D. Great quantity of

25. According to the instruction, the data should be put into the computer _____.

A. any other day B. every other day

C. every other days D. another other day

26. I think it advisable that he _____ for New York soon.

A. will leave B. may leave C. leave D. leaves

27. Without the storm., we _____ much earlier.

A. should arrive B. should have arrived

C. would arrive D. might arrive

28. If only we _____ a phone! I’m tired of lining up outside the public phone box.

A. have B. had C. will have D. are to have

29. Everyone has been here. It’s time we _____.

A. would start B. started C. shall started D. had started

30. Little Tom trembled lest his secret _____.

A. will be discovered B. discover

C. should be discovered D. was discovered

31. Some of his books are saved from the fire, but _____ are missing.

A. most mine B. most of mine C. most of the mine D. most of me

32. His description didn’t answer to _____ of the thief.

A. those B. that C. one D. it

33. His parents _____ out this evening.

A. all are B. are all C. both are D. are both

34. He talks a lot and he’s never interested in what _____ has to say.

A. one B. anyone else C. nobody else D. somebody else

35. Let me know _____ train you will be arriving on.

A. which B. what C. that D. whose

36. Volcanoes _____ as active, dormant, or extinct.

A. described B. are described

C. are being described D. which are described

37. Two young tigers have just _____ for the zoo.

A. buyed B. bought C. been buying D. been bought

38. Safety precautions must _____ at all times.

A. have observed B. have been observed C. observe D. be observed

39. She was told the examination _____ on Friday.

A. will be given B. would be given C. to be given D. is given

40.The information is urgently _____.

A. need B. needing C. necessary D. needed
°ホ�馥S� 回答:1 人气:1 解决时间:2009-07-22 10:22
满意答案1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A/B
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. B
22. B
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. C
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. A
31. B
32. C
33. D
34. B
35. A
36. B
37. D
38. D
39. A
40. D






对口高考,是相对于普通高考而言,别名叫做对口升学。单独招生,是相对学校而言,是由学校统一命题考试,对口高考并不等于单独招生考试。对口高考,一般是由省教育厅统一命题考试;相对于普通高考,是由教育部统一命题考试(全国卷)。对口高考是从中等职业学校毕业生招生,强调中等职业学校毕业生对口升高职的专业技能考试,以专业技能成绩为主要录取依据的招生办法。 [1]  是相对于普通高中生参加的普通高考的另一概念。对口高考是为了培养应用型高技能人才而推出的一种招生形式。



院校自主测试包括 :普通高中毕业生主要测试考生实践动手能力、通用技术基础、职业倾向和职业潜能等内容;中职毕业生主要按照高职对口中职专业分类,开展专业知识和专业技能测试。学校自主测试由各试点院校自主命题和组织,测试满分为300分。考生于2014年3月29日-30日在报考院校或其指定的地点参加考试。


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