考生要提高阅读就需要平时多看、多读、多听、多说、多写,总之是多接触英文。考生每天应分配一定的时间,如半小时以上读一些生活类英文,持之以恒,争取在速度和理解精确度上有所提高。 针对性突破对于在短期内要考IELTS的同学,应把握"做题、听讲、总结"这三个环节。做题,即平时严格要求自己在规定的60分钟时间里做完一套阅读题,在仿真环境下熟悉做题的流程和思路。听讲,即上课听老师介绍阅读技巧和方法以及一些文章和难句的讲解。
Technical and Further Education
Australia’s Technical and Futher Education(TAFE) sector is nationally recognised government system of vocational education and training and the major provider of the skills required by the Australian workforce.
TAFE is the largest of the tertiary education sectots in accounts for approximately 70 per cent of post_secondary education enrolments. There are 232 major TAFE colleges in Australia.
Although each state or territory administers its own system of TAFE ,the qulifications they award are transferable throughout Australia. Although TAFE colleges cannot award teriary_level degress, someTAFE courses permit TAFE graduates to be admitted with advance standing into degree courses offered by universities.
TAFE courses provide initial and further education at professional, para_professional, post_trade, trade and operative level. TAFE courses are devloped in collaboration with industry and the community to ensure the most up_to date education and traning is provided.
Private Post_secondary Insitutions
These private institutions are like TAFE collages because they teach special skill for jobs but each one of them usually specialises in courses for one industry.
There are many private institutions in Australia offering a wide range of course : English language ( Chapter 6) , secretarial studies, data processing, pilot training, business and mangement,recreation courses and religious studies.(Other courses offered by private post_secondary institutions are listed in Chapter 7, Special Studies.)
If you successfully complete these courses you receive a qualification called a “certificate” or “diploma”e are widely recognised by professional associations and industries in Australia, and are sometimes recognised by higher education institutions for credit. Before you undertake a course at a private post_second ary institution you should check that the certificate or diploma offered is appropriate for you particular purpose because some private institutions offer courses which are not recognised. If you want to enter a higher education institution form a private post_secondary institution. You should ask the higher education institution whether they accept the qulification before you start your course.
On your answer sheet please write:
TRUE if the statement is true\;
FALSE if the statement is false\;
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
e are more people studying in TAFE collage then in any other kind of higher education institution.
qualifications are accepted anywhere in Australia.
TAFE collages offer university degrees.
TAFE collage specialises in teaching for working within one specific industry.
next chapter deals with English language courses.
ificates or diploma form all private post_secondary institutions are recognised every where in Australia.
Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score
40 9.0
39 8.5
38 8.0
36-37 7.5
34-35 7.0
32-33 6.5
30-31 6.0
26-29 5.5
23-25 5.0
19-22 4.5
15-18 4.0
12-14 3.5
8-11 3.0
5-7 2.5
2-4 2.0
1 1.0
absent 0.0
2019年12月01日 23:13教师字人们的心中一直是一个很神圣的职业,在选专业的时候也有很多家长建议考生选择师范类专业,也有一些考
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