2023年11月2日雅思阅读考试真题及答案 请问2023年9月28日雅思阅读考试真题及答案 请问2023年1月20日雅思阅读真题回忆解析很多朋友对这方面很关心,大学路整理了相关文章,供大家参考,一起来看一下吧!
Passage 1
Russia ballet俄罗斯芭蕾/俄罗斯戏剧发展
原文分段大意:第一段17世纪是教会眼制舞蹈发展,然后各个国家对其欧洲的,什么 concert什么舞蹈的演变等,俄罗斯芭蓄舞里面提到了外来的教师什么的。题型是TFNG和filling the table
Questions1-6TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN判断题
319世纪芭蕾在俄罗斯才 popular---NG
418世纪中期跳芭蕾舞是不是和宗教意见冲突被官方 reject---T
5还问 enthusia*是否局限于皇家还是什么的---T
Questions 7-13) Filling the table
(no more than 2 words /a number)
9最后一段末尾讲到一个人很有成就的最后 win worldwidepopularity
10 dance anddress code
12 Pushkin普希金-创作获得了成功 Successfulpublication
13一个人 comic摆脱了myth
passage 2
the reconstruction of community
14 paragraph A---vi Introduction of a social housing community with unexpected high standard
15 paragraph B---viii closer relationship among neighbors in original site
16 paragraph C---v problems arise then the mentality of alienation developed later
17 paragraph D---iii details of plans for the community’s makeover and upgrade
18 paragraph E---ix different need from a makeup of a low financial background should be considered
19 paragraph F---vii a practical design and need assist and cooperate in future
20 paragraph G---ii a good tendency of strengthening the supervision
21 design should meet the need of mix-raced cultural background---D
22 for better living environment, regulations and social control should be imperative---B
23 organising more community’s activities helps strengthening relationship in community---C
24 people complain about the high living24 density
25 the designs of many25 architects
26 Build a house within low26 budget
27 in its own27 garden
Passage 3
Passage1: 希腊硬币Greek coinage
1. 希腊coin早在3000年就出现了=F
2. T
3. Sparta地区侵略Athens并强制Athens用他们的货币=F
4. Great coins在整个欧洲流传=F
5. Persian 入侵了Lydia并且使用人家的硬币=T
6. 用硬币上的头像来奖励做出杰出贡献的人=NG
7. mint
8. stamps
9. anvil
10. reserve dies
11. 希腊硬币的重量至少=0.15g
12. 硬币的图案=the king的头像
13. 希腊被波斯征服之前的花纹是lion and doil
14. coin 在雅典被称为 owl
Passage2: 悉尼交通标识Street markers in Sydney
Passage3: Musical Maladies
A. Music and the brain are both endlessly fascinating subjects, and as a neuroscientist specializing in auditory learning and memory, I find them especially intriguing. So I had high expectations of Musicophilia, the latest offering from neurologist and prolific author Oliver Sacks. And I confess to feeling a little guilty reporting that my reactions to the book are mixed.
B. Sacks himself is the best part of Musicophilia. He richly documents his own life in the book and reveals highly personal experiences. The photograph of him>C. The preface gives a good idea of what the book will deliver. In it Sacks explains that he wants to convey the insights gleaned from the enormous and rapidly growing body of work>complex and often bizarre disorders to which these are prone." He also stresses the importance of the simple art of observation" and the richness of the human context. He wants to combine observation and description with the latest in technology,” he says, and to imaginatively enter into the experience of his patients and subjects. The reader can see that Sacks, who has been practicing neurology for 40 years, is torn between the old-fashioned path of observation and the new-fangled, high-tech approach: He knows that he needs to take heed of the latter, but his heart lies with the former.
D. The book consists mainly of detailed descriptions of cases, most of them involving patients whom Sacks has seen in his practice. Brief discussions of contemporary neuroscientific reports are sprinkled liberally throughout the text. Part I, Haunted by Music," begins with the strange case of Tony Cicoria, a nonmusical, middle-aged surgeon who was consumed by a love of music after being hit by lightning. He suddenly began to crave listening to piano music, which he had never cared for in the past. He started to play the piano and then to compose music, which arose spontaneously in his mind in a torrent of notes. How could this happen? Was I the cause psychological? (He had had a near-death experience when the lightning struck him.) Or was it the direct result of a change in the auditory regions of his cerebral cortex? Electro-encephalography (EEG) showed his brain waves to be normal in the mid-1990s, just after his trauma and subsequent conversion to music. There are now more sensitive tests, but Cicoria has declined to undergo them; he does not want to delve into the causes of his musicality. What a shame!
E. Part II, “A Range of Musicality,” covers a wider variety of topics,but unfortunately, some of the chapters offer little or nothing that is new. For example, chapter 13, which is five pages long, merely notes that the blind often have better hearing than the sighted. The most interesting chapters are those that present the strangest cases. Chapter 8 is about “ amusia, ” an inability to hear sounds as music, and “dysharmonia,”a highly specific impairment of the ability to hear harmony, with the ability to understand melody left intact. Such specific dissociations are found throughout the cases Sacks recounts.
F. To Sacks's credit, part III, "Memory, Movement and Music," brings us into the underappreciated realm of music therapy. Chapter 16 explains how "melodic intonation therapy" is being used to help expressive aphasic patients (those unable to express their thoughts verbally following a stroke or other cerebral incident)>G. To readers who are unfamiliar with neuroscience and music behavior, Musicophilia may be something of a revelation. But the book will not satisfy those seeking the causes and implications of the phenomena Sacks describes. For>appears to be more at ease discussing patients than discussing experiments. And he tends to be rather uncritical in accepting scientific findings and theories.
H. It's true that the causes of music-brain oddities remain poorly understood. However, Sacks could have done more to draw out some of the implications of the careful observations that he and other neurologists have made and of the treatments that have been successful. For example, he might have noted that the many specific dissociations among components of music comprehension, such as loss of the ability to perceive harmony but not melody, indicate that there is no music center in the brain. Because many people who read the book are likely to believe in the brain localization of all mental functions, this was a missed educational opportunity.
I. Another conclusion>patient. Treatments mentioned seem to be almost exclusively antiepileptic medications, which "damp down" the excitability of the brain in general; their effectiveness varies widely.
J. Finally, in many of the cases described here the patient with music-brain symptoms is reported to have "normal" EEG results. Although Sacks recognizes the existence of new technologies, among them far more sensitive ways to *yze brain waves than the standard neurological EEG test, he does not call for their use. In fact, although he exhibits the greatest compassion for patients, he conveys no sense of urgency about the pursuit of new avenues in the diagnosis and treatment of music-brain disorders. This absence echoes the book's preface, in which Sacks expresses fear that the simple art of observation may be lost" if we rely too much on new technologies. He does call for both approaches, though, and we can only hope that the neurological community will respond.
27-30:B C A A
37-40:F B A D
Passage 1
题目The mystery of the arctic
题型及对应T/F/NG(判断题) 7
数量Short Answer Questions(填空题) 6
1.介绍了 Franklin expedition 背景, for the shorter passage from
Canada to Asia but never return。
2.后来 tones of expedition 出发去寻找 Franklin expedition 残骸和
船员的死因 but failed
3.后来直到现在,在 Inuit 的帮助下,某科学家发现了这个船。
是 B 专家认为这个残骸还有其他的解释
6.但是 B 专家站出来说每年人们会消耗大量的罐装食品也没见
8.某 F 专家提出一个理论,对于人们认为的真正的原因,也可
9.专家 B 希望他的对这次你事故原因的研究能对此地区有利且
1.many unsuccessful expedition attempts to find out the Franklin
expedition. T
2.it is the first time experts 某某 worked with Inuit scientist
reaching this Franklin expedition. NOT GIVEN
3.B 专家 support the earlier finding. F
4.b believe people background affects the reasons for this wreck. F
5.outside Inuit’s people doubt the first explanation. T
6.b 专家 unwilling to share his research 在其他人找到这个
Franklin 遗迹前。 T
在极低的 unusual 8. Magnet 的影响导致勘探无法使用指南针只
可以用 9.sonar 定位方向
Three theory
10. tined contaminated food 导致了船员的死亡。
11. water need for 12.engines 导致了这次事故
Inuit’s people are used to telling 13.stories.
Passage 2
题目The importance of law
题型及数量判断题 3
段落信息匹配题 6
填空题 4
3.律师职业的重要性,把搞 it 的技术人才和律师做了比较。打
士、it 技工给人们生活提供实质性的服务。且举例嘲讽律师
和霉运有关的,and they are droved financially, for them money
is above truth. 但话锋一转,说其实很多律师做的也只是起草
it 技工这样的职业应有的尊重。
17. 人们对法律的影响。 2
18. 律师得到应有的尊重 7
19. 法律的普遍运用 1
20 英国颁布的法律在不断增加修改 4
21 律师的职业道德重要性的举例 3
21 人们认为金钱在truth之上
22 律师应得到和nurse 一样的尊重
23 因为律师也对自己的投入很多dedication
24 有些律师只是在起草文件和drafts的活
Passage 3
题目Remember this-good memory
题型及数量填空题 5
判断题 5
选择题 4
1. 背景介绍了2个极端的人。49岁的AJ女士记忆力超级好,而89岁的高龄老头EP却只记得最近发生的事情。
2. &3. AJ女士的超级好记忆和其他人不太一样,他不是记忆数据或者事实,记忆的东西都很生活化,举例比如杂货店到日常天气等等儿童时期的事情也都记得特别清楚,科学家为此记忆类型还用术语来定义。
4. EP老头记忆力变差的原因术语病毒感染导致的
5. &6&7. 分析了下科学家对此记忆的研究,人们大脑就是一个大的信息存储器,有个某某部件控制着
8. 作者无病*了一番人们也没必要羡慕这样的记忆力,我们每天收到的信息我们需要的毕竟只是重要的部分。只是可以书写下来,信息也可以通过互联网取得。
9. 几个反问句反问读者,让人们烦死记忆力到底好还是不好。
27. D. numbers
28.H. precedent
29. C.emotion
30. B. infection
31. E time
32. AJ女士和EP老头是记忆力的极端 T
33. AJ女士记忆的东西和数字有关 F
34-36. FTT
37. the main topic of the eight graph is that. B 人们只需要记忆重要信息
38.-40. the reason why human beings memory failed to work
39-40. BC
以上就是大学路为大家带来的2023年11月2日雅思阅读考试真题及答案 请问2023年9月28日雅思阅读考试真题及答案 请问2023年1月20日雅思阅读真题回忆解析,希望能帮助到大家!