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美国德克萨斯州大学 美国德克萨斯州有哪些比较好的大学

更新:2023年06月24日 17:24 大学路

今天,大学路小编为大家带来了美国德克萨斯州大学 美国德克萨斯州有哪些比较好的大学,希望能帮助到广大考生和家长,一起来看看吧!美国德克萨斯州大学 美国德克萨斯州有哪些比较好的大学



得克萨斯大学(University of Texas System),是一所教育和研究公立大学系统,有超过48,000名学生,2700个教职员和19,000个职员。

大学以提高美国社区生活质量为己任,融合学习,文化交流和社区服务,为学生融入社会提供良好基础和准备。其商学院迈克汗堡提供一系列优秀而灵活的商业课程、例如会计硕士、 工商管理硕士 课程。


得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 (University
of Texas at

以上内容参考 百度百科——得克萨斯大学


教育部认可的美国德克萨斯州(Texas)大学名单 美国大学(按州和地区分布)

A New Beginning School of Massage (Austin)
Abilene Christian University (Abilene)
Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology (Abilene)
Academy of Co*etology (Austin)
Academy of Hair Design (Houston)
Academy of Hair Design Inc. (Beaumont)
Academy of Hair Design, Inc. (Lufkin)
The Academy of Health Care Professions (Houston)
Acres Home College of Barber Design (Houston)
Advanced Barber College and Hair Design (Weslaco)
AEC Texas Institute (Garland)
AEC Texas Institute (Hurst)
Aeronautical Institute of Technologies (Dallas)
AIMS Academy (Grand Prairie)
Allied Health Careers (Austin)
Alvin Community College (Alvin)
Amarillo College (Amarillo)
Amarillo College of Beauty (Amarillo)
Amberton University (Garland)
American Commercial College (Abilene)
American Commercial College (Lubbock)
American Commercial College (Odessa)
American Commercial College (San Angelo)
American School of Business (Wichita Falls)
AmesEd (Richardson)
AnaMarc Educational Institute (El Paso)
Angelina College (Lufkin)
Angelo State University (San Angelo)
Arlington Baptist College (Arlington)
Arlington Career Institute (Grand Prairie)
Arlington Medical Institute (Arlington)
Army Academy of Health Sciences (San Antonio)
The Art Institute of Dallas (Dallas)
The Art Institute of Houston (Houston)
Astrodome Dental Career Center (Houston)
ATI-Career Training Center (Dallas)
ATI - Career Training Center (Hurst)
ATI - Technical Training Center (Dallas)
Austin Business College (Austin)
Austin College (Sherman)
Austin Community College (Austin)
Austin Graduate School of Theology (Austin)
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Austin)
Aveda Institute (Conroe)
Baldwin Beauty School #5 (Austin)
Baldwin Beauty School - North (Austin)
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (Jacksonville)
Baylor College of Medicine (Houston)
Baylor University (Waco)
Behold! Beauty Academy (Houston)
Bilingual Education Institute (Houston)
Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development (Dallas)
Blinn College (Brenham)
Border Institute of Technology (El Paso)
Bradford School of Business (Houston)
Branch Campus: (Del Rio)
Brazosport College (Lake Jackson)
Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University (Fort Worth)
Brookhaven College (Farmers Branch)
Business Skills Institute (El Paso)
Capitol City Careers (Austin)
Capitol City Trade and Technical School (Austin)
Career Academy (Texarkana)
Career Advancement and Applied Technology Training Division - Branch Campus (San Antonio)
Career Advancement and Applied Technology Training Division (San Antonio)
Career Advancement Center (Austin)
Career Centers of Texas-Brownsville (Brownsville)
Career Centers of Texas-Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi)
Career Centers of Texas-El Paso (El Paso)
Career Point Institute (San Antonio)
Career Quest (San Antonio)
Career Tech Institute (Edinburg)
Careers Unlimited (Houston)
Careers Unlimited (Tyler)
Cedar Valley College (Lancaster)
Center for Advanced Legal Studies (Houston)
Center of English Language (Dallas)
Central Texas Beauty College #2 (Round Rock)
Central Texas Beauty College (Temple)
Central Texas College (Killeen)
Central Texas Commercial College (Dallas)
Charles & Sue's School of Hair Design (Bryan)
Circle J Beauty School (South Houston)
Cisco Junior College (Cisco)
Clarendon College (Clarendon)
Coastal Bend College (Beeville)
College of Biblical Studies - Houston (Houston)
College of the Mainland (Texas City)
The College of Saint Thomas More (Fort Worth)
Collin County Community College District (Plano)
Computer Career Center (El Paso)
Computer Labs, Inc. (El Paso)
Concorde Career Institute (Arlington)
Concordia University at Austin (Austin)
Conlee's College of Co*etology (Kerrville)
Coryell Co*etology College (Gatesville)
Co*etology Career Center (Carrollton)
Court Reporting Institute of Dallas (North Dallas)
Court Reporting Institute of Houston (Houston)
The Criswell College (Dallas)
Culinary Academy of Austin (Austin)
Culinary Institute (Houston)
Dallas Baptist University (Dallas)
Dallas Barber and Stylist College (Dallas)
Dallas Christian College (Dallas)
Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas)
David L. Carrasco Job Corps Center (El Paso)
Del Mar College (Corpus Christi)
Dolphin Technical Institute (Beaumont)
DSU Training Institute (Houston)
East Texas Baptist University (Marshall)
Eastfield College (Mesquite)
El Centro College (Dallas)
El Paso County Community College District (El Paso)
Elite Beauty Institute of Midland (Midland)
English Language Specialists, Inc. (Houston)
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (Austin)
Everest College (Dallas)
Everest Institute (Arlington)
Exposito School of Hair Design (Amarillo)
Faris Computer School (Nederland)
Fort Worth Beauty School (Fort Worth)
Frank Phillips College (Borger)
Franklin Beauty School #2 (Houston)
Galveston College (Galveston)
Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston)
Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston)
Genesis Vocational Training (Houston)
George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University (Waco)
Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (Dallas)
Grayson County College (Denison)
Gulf Coast Trades Center (New Waverly)
Hallmark Institute of Aeronautics (San Antonio)
Hallmark Institute of Technology (San Antonio)
Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene)
High-Tech Institute (Irving)
Hill College (Hillsboro)
Hispanic Baptist Theological School (San Antonio)
House of Tutors (Austin)
Houston Allied Health Careers (Houston)
Houston Baptist University (Houston)
Houston Community College (Houston)
Houston Graduate School of Theology (Houston)
Houston Training Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Houston Training Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Houston Training Schools (Houston)
Howard College (Big Spring)
Howard Payne University (Brownwood)
Huston-Tillotson College (Austin)
ICC Technical Institute (Houston)
Institute of Co*etology (Houston)
Inter-American Air Forces Academy (Lackland AFB)
Interactive Learning Systems - Branch Campus (Houston)
Interactive Learning Systems - Branch Campus (Houston)
Interactive Learning Systems - Branch Campus (Pasadena)
Interactive Learning Systems (Dallas)
International Academy of Co*etology (Laredo)
International Beauty College #3 (Garland)
International Beauty College #4 (Irving)
International Business College (El Paso)
International Business College (El Paso)
International Business College (Lubbock)
International Business School (Denton)
International Business School (Midland)
International Business School (Sherman)
International Renowned Beauty Academy (Fort Worth)
I.T.S. Academy of Beauty (Denton)
I.T.S. Academy of Beauty (Odessa)
I.T.S. Academy of Beauty (Wichita Falls)
ITT Technical Institute (Arlington)
ITT Technical Institute (Austin)
ITT Technical Institute, North Campus (Houston)
ITT Technical Institute (Richardson)
ITT Technical Institute (San Antonio)
ITT Technical Institute, South Campus (Houston)
ITT Technical Institute, West Campus (Houston)
Iverson Business School and Court Reporting (Arlington)
Jacksonville College (Jacksonville)
Jarvis Christian College (Hawkins)
Jay's Technical Institute (Houston)
Jones Beauty College #2 (Grand Prairie)
Jones Beauty College #3 (Allen)
Jones Beauty College #4 (Lewisville)
Jones Beauty College (Dallas)
Kilgore College (Kilgore)
Kussad Institute of Court Reporting (Austin)
Lamar Institute of Technology (Beaumont)
Lamar State College - Orange (Orange)
Lamar State College - Port Arthur (Port Arthur)
Lamar University (Beaumont)
Language Plus, Inc. (El Paso)
Laredo Beauty College (Laredo)
Laredo Community College (Laredo)
Leadership Excellence, Inc. (Houston)
Leadership Training (Amarillo)
Lee College (Baytown)
LeTourneau University (Longview)
Lincoln Technical Institute (Grand Prairie)
Lon Morris College (Jacksonville)
Lubbock Christian University (Lubbock)
Lubbock Hair Academy (Lubbock)
Mai-trix Beauty College (Houston)
McLennan Community College (Waco)
McMurry University (Abilene)
MedVance Institute (Houston)
Metroplex Beauty School (Mesquite)
Mid Cities Barber College (Grand Prairie)
Midland College (Midland)
Midwestern State University (Wichita Falls)
Mims Classic Beauty College (San Antonio)
Mine Warfare Training Center (Ingleside)
MJ's Beauty Academy Inc. (Dallas)
Mountain View College (Dallas)
MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston)
MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston)
National Beauty College (Garland)
National Institute of Technology (Austin)
National Institute of Technology (Houston)
National Institute of Technology (Houston)
National Institute of Technology (Houston)
National Institute of Technology (San Antonio)
Naval Construction Training Center - Branch Campus (Witchita Falls)
Navarro College (Corsicana)
Neilson Beauty College, Inc. (Dallas)
North Central Texas College (Gainesville)
North Harris Montgomery Community College District (The Woodlands)
North Lake College (Irving)
North Texas Professional Career Institute (Dallas)
North West Beauty School (Houston)
Northeast Texas Community College (Mt. Pleasant)
Northwest Educational Center (Houston)
Northwest Vista College (San Antonio)
Oblate School of Theology (San Antonio)
The Ocean Corporation (Houston)
Odessa College (Odessa)
Ogle School of Hair Design (Dallas)
Ogle School of Hair Design (Ft. Worth)
Ogle School of Hair Design (Hurst)
Ogle School of Hair-Skin-Nails (Arlington)
Our Lady of the Lake University (San Antonio)
Palo Alto College (San Antonio)
Panola College (Carthage)
Paris Junior College (Paris)
Parker College of Chiropractic (Dallas)
Pasadena Academy (Pasadena)
Paul Quinn College (Dallas)
PCI Health Training Center (Dallas)
Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University (Dallas)
Pipo Academy of Hair Design (El Paso)
Polytechnic Institute (Houston)
Prairie View A. & M. University (Prairie View)
Ranger College (Ranger)
R.C. Leffke & Associates, Inc. (Dallas)
Remington College-Dallas Campus (Garland)
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus (Fort Worth)
Remington College-Houston Campus (Houston)
Richland College (Dallas)
Rio Grande Bible Institute (Edinburg)
Ronny J's Barber & Styling College (Dallas)
Royal Beauty Careers (Houston)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers - Branch Campus (Uvalde)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers (Eagle Pass)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers (San Antonio)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers (San Antonio)
St. Edward's University (Austin)
Saint Mary's University (San Antonio)
Saint Philip's College (San Antonio)
Sam Houston State University (Huntsville)
San Antonio Beauty College #3 (San Antonio)
San Antonio Beauty College #4 (San Antonio)
San Antonio College of Medical and (McAllen)
San Antonio College of Medical and (San Antonio)
San Antonio College (San Antonio)
San Jacinto College (Pasadena)
School of Automotive Machinists (Houston)
Schreiner University (Kerrville)
Sebring Career Schools (Barker)
Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Huntsville)
Seguin Beauty School - Branch Campus (New Braunfels)
Seguin Beauty School (Seguin)
South Plains College (Levelland)
South Texas Community College (McAllen)
South Texas Vo-Tech Institute (McAllen)
South Texas Vo-Tech Institute (Weslaco)
Southeastern Career Institute - Dallas (Dallas)
Southern Careers Institute (Austin)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (Corpus Christi)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (Laredo)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (Pharr)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (San Antonio)
Southern Methodist University (Dallas)
Southwest Institute of Technology (Austin)
Southwest Texas Junior College (Uvalde)
Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos)
Southwestern Adventist University (Keene)
Southwestern Assemblies of God University (Waxahachie)
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth)
Southwestern Christian College (Terrell)
Southwestern Professional Institute (Houston)
Southwestern University (Georgetown)
Star College of Co*etology (Longview)
Star College of Co*etology (Nacogdoches)
Star College of Co*etology (Tyler)
State Beauty Academy Inc. (Duncanville)
Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches)
Stephenville Beauty College (Stephenville)
Sterling Health Center (Addison)
Suite 116 (McKinney)
Sul Ross State University (Alpine)
Sylvia's International School of Beauty (Houston)
Tarleton State University (Stephenville)
Tarrant County College District (Fort Worth)
Temple College (Temple)
Texarkana College (Texarkana)
Texas A. & M. University (College Station)
Texas A & M University - Kingsville (Kingsville)
Texas A&M International University (Laredo)
Texas A&M University-Commerce (Commerce)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi)
The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center (Bryan)
Texas A&M University-Texarkana (Texarkana)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Dallas)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools (Dallas)
Texas Beauty College (San Antonio)
Texas Career Institute - Branch Campus (Houston)
Texas Career Institute (Kerrville)
Texas Careers - Branch Campus (Beaumont)
Texas Careers - Branch Campus (Laredo)
Texas Careers (San Antonio)
Texas Chiropractic College (Pasadena)
Texas Christian University (Fort Worth)
Texas College of Co*etology (Abilene)
Texas College of Co*etology (San Angelo)
Texas College (Tyler)
Texas Culinary Academy (Austin)
Texas Lutheran University (Seguin)
Texas School of Business East (Houston)
Texas School of Business-Friendswood (Friendswood)
Texas School of Business (Houston)
Texas School of Business - Southwest (Houston)
Texas Southern University (Houston)
Texas State Technical College - Harlingen (Harlingen)
Texas State Technical College Marshall (Marshall)
Texas State Technical College Waco (Waco)
Texas State Technical College - West Texas (Sweetwater)
Texas Tech University (Lubbock)
Texas Vocational Schools (Victoria)
Texas Wesleyan University (Fort Worth)
Texas Woman's University (Denton)
Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy (Carrollton)
Touch of Class School of Co*etology (Greenville)
Trend Barber College (Houston)
Tri-State Co*etology Institute (El Paso)
Tri-State Co*etology Institute (El Paso)
Trinity University (San Antonio)
Trinity Valley Community College (Athens)
Tyler Junior College (Tyler)
Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Dallas)
Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Houston)
Universal Technical Institute (Houston)
University of Co*etology Arts & Sciences (Harlingen)
University of Co*etology Arts & Sciences (McAllen)
The University of Dallas (Irving)
University of Houston - Clear Lake (Houston)
University of Houston - Downtown (Houston)
University of Houston (Houston)
University of Houston - Victoria (Victoria)
University of the Incarnate Word (San Antonio)
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (Belton)
University of North Texas (Denton)
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Ft. Worth (Fort Worth)
University of St. Thomas (Houston)
University of St. Thomas School of Theology (Houston)
The University of Texas at Arlington (Arlington)
The University of Texas at Austin (Austin)
University of Texas at Brownsville-Texas Southmost College (Brownsville)
The University of Texas at Dallas (Richardson)
The University of Texas at El Paso (El Paso)
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Houston)
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (San Antonio)
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (Galveston)
The University of Texas - Pan American (Edinburg)
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin (Odessa)
The University of Texas at San Antonio (San Antonio)
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (Dallas)
The University of Texas at Tyler (Tyler)
Valley Grande Institute for Academic Studies (Weslaco)
Vanguard Institute of Technology - Branch Campus (Brownsville)
Vanguard Institute of Technology - Branch Campus (Harlingen)
Vanguard Institute of Technology - Branch Campus (McAllen)
Vanguard Institute of Technology (Pharr)
Velma B's Beauty Academy (Dallas)
Vernon College (Vernon)
Victoria Beauty College (Victoria)
The Victoria College (Victoria)
Virginia College At Austin (Austin)
Wade College (Dallas)
Wayland Baptist University (Plainview)
Weatherford College (Weatherford)
West Texas A&M University (Canyon)
Western Technical Institute (El Paso)
Western Technical Institute (El Paso)
Western Texas College (Snyder)
Westwood College of Aviation Technology - Branch Campus (Houston)
Westwood College of Technology -Dallas (Dallas)
Westwood College of Technology-Ft. Worth (Euless)
Wharton County Junior College (Wharton)
Wiley College (Marshall)
William Marsh Rice University (Houston)
The Woodhouse School of Wellness (Victoria)




一、Rice University 莱斯大学



二、University of Texas-Austin 德州大学奥斯汀

德克萨斯大学-奥斯汀校区成立于1883年9月,位于德州奥斯汀,距离德州议会大厦(Texas State Capitol)大约1英里。大学校园在全美单个校区学校中占地面积排名第五。


德克萨斯大学系统是全美最大的高等教育系统之一,全美排名第三。德克萨斯大学系统包括九所学术大学和六个卫生机构(health institution)。其中奥斯汀分校是德州大学系统的旗舰校区。130多年来,德州大学系统一直致力于通过教育,科研和医疗保健改善德州人民乃至世界人民的生活。

三、Southern Methodist University 南卫理公会大学

南卫理公会大学成立于1911年,在1915年正式开放。该校由现在的卫理公会联合会(The United Methodist Church)所建,这所私立大学拥有七所学位授予学院,位置邻近达拉斯的心脏地带,是教学和研究的中心。

南卫理公会大学提供非宗派的教学,致力于学术自由和开放性的探究。大学排在“全美最佳大学”的TOP25%之内。卡内基教学促进基金会(The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching)将南卫理公会大学归为 “开展高等研究活动”的大学。大学的九座图书馆容纳了美国西南部学术科研材料最大的私人收藏。南卫理公会大学也是乔治•W•布什总统中心(George W. Bush Presidential Center)所在地,包括图书馆,博物馆以及独立研究所。

四、Texas A&M University-College Station德克萨斯农工大学

德克萨斯农工大学于1876年成立,是德州第一所高等教育公立机构。德州农工大学是德州三所一级大学之一(Tier 1),另外两所就是德州大学和莱斯大学。无论是通过其他分校还是国际研究中心,学生在校内和校外都能够获得学习机会。

德克萨斯农工大学是研究密集型的旗舰大学,教师队伍中有进行世界级的研究项目也有获奖的教师。大学是美国大学协会(Association of American Universities,AAU)成员之一,AAU包含整个北美63所最好的研究机构。在2013年美国国家科学基金会评估排名中,该校位居全美研究型大学前20位。在2015年US News排名中,德州农工在全美公立院校排名中位居第25位,在全美综合大学排名中位居第68位。根据2014年福布斯的数据显示,该校获得捐助超过50亿,在全美大学中排名第七。

五、Baylor University 贝勒大学

贝勒大学于1845年特许成立,是德克萨斯州浸信会总公约(Baptist General Convention)的从属机构,贝勒大学既是美国历史最悠久的高等学府也是世界上最大的浸信会大学。大学在德克萨斯州的韦科市,大学的使命是培养世界范围的领导者,通过学术和基督教信仰共同为充满关爱的社会服务。


六、Texas Christian University 德克萨斯基督教大学

德克萨斯基督教大学成立于1873年的德州的索普斯普林(Thorp Spring),之后迁至沃斯堡(Fort Worth)。学生在充满活力的沃思堡的美丽校园中生活,学习。沃思堡在工作机会方面被位列第一。










美国的高等院校实行学分制,只要学生完成了必修课程和规定学分就可以毕业并获得相应的学位。因此,经过周密的计划和实施,学生完全有可能在三年内完成本科课程、或在一年内完成硕士课程; 也可能同时获得主修加辅修学位、双学位或三个学位,而不需要花费两至三倍的时间和费用。





1. 莱斯大学







2. 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校







以上就是大学路整理的美国德克萨斯州大学 美国德克萨斯州有哪些比较好的大学相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅大学路。




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